Voluntary advice centre in Cotgrave receives Community Wellbeing Fund boost
Last updated: 31/1/2025
A voluntary advice centre in Cotgrave which offers free support sessions for Rushcliffe residents has received a funding boost to help deliver the project.
Rushcliffe Borough Council allocated £1,500 funding to Cotgrave Advice Centre through its Community Wellbeing Fund that is supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) which has now helped to contribute to venue hire and running costs.
The centre welcomes walk-ins and booked appointments between 9am and midday on Tuesdays and Thursdays at All Saints Church on Plumtree Road in the village.
Volunteers offer comprehensive and professional advice in many specialist areas such as debt, welfare benefits, income tax, form filling and more. Legal advice is also available through a Solicitor who visits once a month.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing, ICT & Member Development Cllr Jonathan Wheeler said: “We’re pleased to support this project through our Community Wellbeing Fund, which has helped to cover rent and running costs, enabling the project to continue to flourish.
“This advice centre is a fantastic asset in the Cotgrave community and offers a variety of free advice including blue badge applications and welfare benefits for any individual who is seeking support, in a friendly and confidential environment.
“The centre has been running for over 40 years now and has always been entirely staffed and managed by volunteers. It’s a credit to Jacky and all the volunteers involved who do a remarkable job spending their spare time to help others.”
Cotgrave Advice Centre Manager Jacky Shaw added: “We run twice-weekly sessions at the church, helping people with any query they may have.
“The support from RBC and various other local areas have made us able to continue our well appreciated work to the people of Cotgrave and the whole of Rushcliffe.
“If you need any advice, pop in and see us - you don’t need an appointment. We do not refuse to help anyone and will either deal with a problem presented to us or know where to refer the client for more expert support.
“To find out more about what we do, visit our website.”
Cotgrave Advice Centre are looking to recruit new volunteers to be trained as advisors and doing supportive office work. If you’re interested in volunteering, get in touch with Jacky at cotgraveadvicecentre@gmail.com or call the team on 0115 8501851.