Two hours free parking in Bingham car parks to be retained in new measures
Last updated: 9/4/2024
Discussions to increase the availability of car parking spaces across Bingham’s car parks has resulted in two hours free parking being retained as part of new measures from later this year.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Cabinet considered a report at their meeting on Tuesday (April 9) in conjunction with the work of the Bingham Car Parking Strategy Group.
Alternative one hour free car parking plans were discounted in favour of the extended two hour option that will be assessed over twelve months from a date to be confirmed as part of a wider package of the measures.
The Council took into account the views of residents and business owners balanced against the findings of surveys from car park users last year.
Recommendations for free parking for 30 minutes in the bays around the market place were also confirmed to be assessed at the same time, designed to improve parking through encouraging short stay rather than all day parking in the town centre.
In Newgate Street and Needham Street the new car park tariffs from later this year will be:
- Up to two hours - free
- 2-3 hours - £1
- 3-4 hours - £5
- 4-12 hours - £10
A Rushcliffe Borough Council spokesperson said: “The meeting discussed the focus on maximising the availability of spaces for short stay users and those who wish to stay longer, in line with data from car park users.
“Now, listening to further feedback from residents and businesses, the two hours free option will be retained from later this year with the needs of shoppers and visitors prioritised.
“The Council has very much placed emphasis on taking on board all the views from all parties to aim to follow an option that will increase the turnover and regularity of free spaces whilst benefiting motorists, local businesses and service providers alike.
“The new tariffs for Newgate Street and Needham Street car parks are being considered alongside meeting the priorities of the Council’s Off Street Car Parking Strategy and will be reviewed at the end of the 12 month period.
“Any funds received from car parking only meet the cost of the changes that are required such as new car park machines and contributing to the overall cost of maintaining these car parks.”
As part of the package the changes, restrictions on market days will be lifted to allow spaces to be made available when they are not in use by market traders and at Bingham Arena around 30 chargeable spaces will be made available for long stay parking for staff working at local businesses.
Approvals for the new measures to be introduced are expected to take around six months.
The Strategy Group has representatives from RBC, Bingham Town Council(BTC) and Nottinghamshire County Council.
Group members include RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis, Ward Members for Bingham, Mayor Cllr Rowan Bird and Cllr Norman Mees from BTC and RBC Leader and Nottinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment and Bingham West member Cllr Neil Clarke.