First Upper Saxondale Parish Council meeting May 18, 7pm
Last updated: 9/5/2023
A Meeting of the Upper Saxondale Parish Council will be held on Thursday, 18 May 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Upper Saxondale Village Hall to consider the following items of business.
As this will be the first meeting of the Upper Saxondale Parish Council, Kath Marriott, Chief Executive of Rushcliffe Borough Council, will open the meeting and preside over the election of the Upper Saxondale Parish Council Chair.
Date: Wednesday, 10 May 2023
- Election of Chair and Declaration of Acceptance of Office
- Apologies for Absence
- Election of Vice-Chair and Declaration of Acceptance of Office
- Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Completion of Register of Interests – All Council
- Declarations of Interest for Meeting
- To Adopt the Members Code of Conduct
- To Consider Frequency of Parish Council Meetings
- Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (Working Groups to Review and Make Recommendations)
- To Consider Parish Clerk Vacancy and to Note Current Arrangements
- Parishioners Question Time (Limited to 15 Minutes)
- Finance
- Transition Agreement with Radcliffe on Trent Parish Council to Note and Approve
- To Note Precept and Approve and Adopt 2023/24 Budget
- P.C. Bank Account Update
- USRACIC Report
- Planning Applications
- Amenity Update
- Other Appointments and Representatives on Outside Bodies and Organisations
- Councillor Reports
- Membership of NALC and SLCC – To Consider
- Defibrillator Monitor – To Consider
Meeting Room Guidance
Mobile Phones: For the benefit of others please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off whilst you are in the meeting.
Recording at Meetings
The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 allows filming and recording by anyone attending a meeting. This is not within the Parish Council’s control.