Rushcliffe set to again have lowest council tax in Nottinghamshire
Last updated: 4/2/2025
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Council Tax level is again set to be the lowest in Nottinghamshire, matched with further investments in services and one of the few Councils nationally to be debt free, as part of its latest budget proposals.
The authority’s Cabinet will discuss the plans at its meeting on February 11 where it will set out figures which means its part of the Council Tax charge is expected to remain in the lowest 25% in the country and again the lowest in the county.
A Band D property is set to increase just £3.89 for the 12 months from April 2025 or 2.46%. Despite a back drop of little increase in Government grants and recent high levels of inflation, the Council continues to balance the books.
In light of ongoing financial pressures, it is able to continue to support growth in the borough, developing and enhancing equipment and facilities with £27m investment planned in the next five years and a focus on achieving net zero carbon as part of its environmental priorities.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance Cllr Davinder Virdi said: “RBC faces the same risks as any other councils but is fortunate to be in a relatively stable financial position going into the next five year budget cycle.
“Officers and Councillors continue to prioritise the needs of the local community to identify efficiencies ensuring we can continue to deliver vital services whilst keeping Council Tax the lowest in Nottinghamshire in a period of ongoing financial challenges for residents.
“We believe we have one of the best financial positions of any Council in the country but remain realistic and not triumphalist, appreciative of the stark challenges many of our peers are facing and that we also share.
“We are not complacent and will continue to demonstrate sound financial management.
“We are heading into a period of uncertainty with the likelihood of both Local Government Reorganisation and government funding reforms around the corner. Despite this we aim to continue to deliver excellent services, maintaining service levels but also enhancing facilities for residents.”
A Full Council meeting on March 6 will discuss the Cabinet’s proposed outcome on the budget from the February 11 meeting.