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Rushcliffe Borough Council

In Focus

Sign up to e-billing for your Council Tax

As we aim to be even more Carbon Clever and produce less paper, switch over today to an e-bill for your Council Tax – and a chance to win one of five £100 One4all vouchers.

Register online and in minutes you can have your council tax account, billing, balance and other correspondence at your fingertips

Small electrical items can be recycled on top of blue bins

Residents in Rushcliffe can place small electrical items on the top of their blue bins in a new recycling service.

News Area

RBC launches Economic Growth Strategy to continue to make Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit

Business owners and residents can now view Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Economic Growth Strategy setting out the authority’s plans for place shaping and what will continue to make Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit.

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Upgrade for Central Avenue thanks to UKSPF support

Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) is working with Nottinghamshire County Council on plans to invest some of the Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) allocation to upgrade seating, planters and street furniture on West Bridgford’s Central Avenue.

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