Funding available for West Bridgford community groups to support their growth
Last updated: 5/8/2024
Community groups in West Bridgford are invited to apply for funding that will help to grow their club or organisation, to support the development in the town.
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has up to £75,000 of West Bridgford Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy funding available and is looking to support projects with funding contributions up to £25,000 each.
Examples of projects that local community groups can apply for funding towards include:
- Improvements to existing community facilities such as accessibility improvements, purchase of equipment, energy efficiency schemes
- Public realm improvements including benches, tree planting, notice boards, public art
- Community safety measures including CCTV, lighting, defibrillators
- Outdoor leisure such as play equipment, allotments, sports facilities
- Community outreach projects for example community events, projects tackling social isolation, mental health support schemes
The Council is seeking expressions of interest for the levy from local community groups who may be able to make use of this funding. Submissions can be completed on our website by Monday September 2.
This second round of funding consideration should be complete by December, following public consultation on preferred options.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing Cllr Roger Upton said: “We’re seeking applications from community groups across West Bridgford who will benefit from further funding to support their growth and development in their area.
“We are engaging with the communities where development has taken place, identifying the priorities they have expressed and applying the funding with this in mind.
“Further details of the types of projects which could be eligible and forms to submit expressions of interest can be found on our website."
“There will also be future rounds of funding released on a six-monthly cycle, with the next expected call for expressions of interest scheduled for January 2025.”