Use RingGo as the easy and cashless way to pay to park in Rushcliffe
Last updated: 27/1/2025
Residents and visitors parking in Rushcliffe’s car parks can use RingGo parking as the easy and cashless way to park in town and village centres.
Motorists can park even more easily without the need to use a ticket machine and instead use the RingGo app on their phone.
The scheme ensures there is no longer the need for motorists to queue at a car park, hunt for change and place a printed ticket in their vehicle.
When arriving at a car park, motorists can download the RingGo app, call, text or pay online across the Council’s seven Pay and Display car parks at:
- West Bridgford: Bridgford Road, Gordon Road and Nursery/Albert Road car parks
- Rushcliffe Country Park car park
- Keyworth: Bunny Lane car park
- Bingham: Needham Street car park and Newgate Street car park
Where a free period is offered within pay and display car parks, the motorist can obtain a free voucher from the parking machine to take advantage of this free period.
Alerts to motorists’ phones ensure they’re always aware a parking period is due to finish and it takes a few easy steps to extend their parking time.
The easy-to-use facility is now used by around 50% of car park users in West Bridgford and has been successfully rolled out as the only payment method at Bingham Arena car park as hundreds of motorists use the format every month.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “We’re pleased to offer RingGo at all of our chargeable car parks in the Borough, it’s the perfect way to easily get a ticket for our car parks.
“It’s a cashless system where you can use a credit or debit card and pay by phone or online in a matter of minutes in car parks where a charge is applicable.
“RingGo provides helpful features such as reminders about your expiry and has the option to easily extend your parking without having to return to your car if you need more time in our town and village centres.
“Motorists may wish to switch to this simple method for a hassle free way to pay and manage your parking needs, and are encouraged to download the RingGo app on your smart phone.”
More details can be found on the RBC website.