Grants of up to £5k to support community wellbeing projects in Rushcliffe
Last updated: 1/4/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) has launched a new grant scheme offering grants between £500 and £5,000 to support community wellbeing projects that are helping to tackle cost of living pressures, loneliness and isolation in the Borough.
RBC’s Rushcliffe Community Wellbeing Fund is supported by Shared Prosperity Funding from the UK Government (UKSPF) and will give town and parish councils, local groups, and community organisations a financial boost to help them deliver vital projects that focus on impactful volunteering, social action and positive engagement.
From April 1, applicants can put proposals forward for setting up, sustaining or expanding projects that take innovative approaches to addressing social issues and help improve inclusivity and the health and wellbeing of local residents.
Projects could include new or expanded volunteering initiatives, practical activity outdoors or indoors, sport, green space enhancements, arts, heritage, cultural, community and befriending activities, preparing and sharing food, and support that reduces people’s cost of living, including through energy-saving measures.
Funding must be spent within one year and the project must be completed with a findings report before the end of March 2025. The project or group should become self-sustaining after that time or seek another source of funding.
Anyone can apply for grants of up to £5,000 by emailing RBC’s community development team at
In a previous round of similar project funding, Ruddington’s over 55’s coffee club received support from a Reach Rushcliffe grant enabling the group to grow and flourish with over 40 attendees now meeting up each week.
At the Wednesday Morning Coffee Club residents can meet new people and enjoy refreshments in a relaxed and friendly setting that provides a warm space to vulnerable residents in a safe environment.
The session takes place every Wednesday at St Peter’s Room in the village at NG11 6HD between 10am and midday and all are welcome to then walk-in and there is a voluntary donation of £1.
Coffee club co-organiser Carol Jaggers said: “We love hosting the Wednesday Morning Coffee Club and it’s a pleasure to welcome over 55s to St Peter’s Rooms and provide a social and warm space for everyone to come together.
“Our aim is to help alleviate loneliness, isolation and help with people's wellbeing. The group is popular with older and disabled residents who enjoy coming here to socialise and meet other people in the local area.
Co-organiser Gwen Eyre added: “The funding from Reach Rushcliffe has helped to cover some of the venue hire and supplies which has helped to keep the coffee club going.
“We restarted this coffee club in September 2021 after it stopped during the first Covid-19 lockdown. It’s inspiring to see how far we’ve come since then and it’s proving to be very popular each week!”