Sign up to e-billing for your Council Tax for a chance to win one of five £100 One4All vouchers!
Last updated: 28/11/2024
As Rushcliffe Borough Council(RBC) aims to be even more Carbon Clever and produce less paper, switch over today to an e-bill for your Council Tax – and a chance to win one of five £100 One4all vouchers.
Register online and in minutes you can have your council tax account, billing, balance and other correspondence at your fingertips.
Once you have registered you will automatically be entered into a draw for five residents to receive £100 worth of the vouchers redeemable at dozens of national and local retailers, restaurants and outlets!
Just make sure you register by Friday February 28, 2025. The Council will contact the winner direct who will be picked at random.
Switching to e-billing will save you time! It means you can access information regarding your account by logging into your online account any time and we will email you when a bill is ready for you to view, replacing any paper copies.
It’s the simple and quickest way to check your balance, when your next instalment is due or set up a direct debit, 24 hours a day, seven days a week instead of only having our normal office hours to contact with your query.
It also further eliminates the risks to privacy and identity fraud that can arise if paper correspondence is lost or stolen.
RBC’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance Cllr Davinder Virdi said: “I would encourage all residents to switch to e-billing and give yourself the more convenient way to check your Council Tax account.
“Our Environment priority means e-billing is vital to ensure we do all we can to reduce paper usage printing and postage. Sign up before February 28 to ensure you’re in the £500 competition too, good luck!”