RBC launches Economic Growth Strategy to continue to make Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit
Last updated: 23/1/2025
Business owners and residents can now view Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Economic Growth Strategy setting out the authority’s plans for place shaping and what will continue to make Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit.
The Strategy highlights RBC’s vision to promote sustainable economic growth and regional opportunities, deliver a prosperous local economy and create a thriving place which retains the Borough’s unique local heritage and character.
View the Strategy on RBC’s website.
The Strategy is supported by an action plan which sets out three priority themes which are Place and Experience, Investment and Infrastructure and Business Support, Growth and Skills. It highlights how the Council will work with partners to realise its ambitions that will be reviewed and updated ensuring it responds to the changing needs of the Borough’s economy.
To help develop the Strategy RBC undertook extensive data gathering, consultation exercises and engagement activity including workshops and one to one discussions with a wide variety of stakeholders, business owners and residents.
Partners included local Councillors, Rushcliffe Business Partnership Steering Group, Nottinghamshire County Council, Rushcliffe Strategic Growth Board, Countryside and Land Association, Federation of Small Businesses and East Midlands Chamber to provide a good insight and a strong foundation of understanding of the Borough.
RBC’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Growth Cllr Abby Brennan said: “We’re pleased to present our first Economic Growth Strategy which is an ambitious plan to promote the sustainable growth of our Borough.
“Economic Growth, to us, means many things, but fundamentally is about place shaping. Understanding what makes Rushcliffe a great place to live, work and visit and what we can do to protect and enhance that.
“Despite significant economic challenges over recent years Rushcliffe’s economy continues to perform well, our diverse business base has been largely resilient thanks to their foresight, innovative approach and adaptability.
“However, we know that we cannot be complacent and we need to be proactive. Without intervention we risk Rushcliffe falling behind other areas in the County which have seen significant Government investment.
“This Strategy sets out the significant opportunity that Rushcliffe presents. With the right support and investment a lot can be achieved that will deliver benefits well beyond the Borough’s boundary.
“We are committed to working collaboratively with our partners and neighbours to achieve our vision.”
The Strategy also aligns with the Council’s four corporate priorities which are ‘The Environment, Quality of Life, Sustainable Growth and Efficient Services’, acknowledging the breadth of the impact of economic prosperity.