Rushcliffe to continue to have lowest council tax in Nottinghamshire
Last updated: 7/2/2024
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s (RBC) Council Tax level will again be the lowest in Nottinghamshire subject to Cabinet and Full Council approval.
The authority’s Cabinet will discuss budget proposals at its meeting on February 13 where it will set out figures which means its Council Tax charge is expected to remain in the lowest 25% in the country and again the lowest in the county.
Building on cost-of-living support last year where 60 per cent of residents did not receive a Council Tax increase, a Band D property could increase just £3.93 for the 12 months from April 2024 or 2.55%.
The proposed budget is in a time of significant pressures and real terms decreases in funding but is in conjunction with RBC continuing to embrace opportunities that support the economic growth and development in the Borough and maintain discretionary services valued by residents.
The Council is currently debt-free and therefore not impacted by significant increases in interest rates on borrowing faced by some authorities.
Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, Transformation and Governance Cllr Davinder Virdi said: “RBC is in a relatively stable financial position compared to many councils. This is down to the culmination of hard work by both Councillors and officers to keep Council Tax the lowest in Nottinghamshire, further assisting residents with cost-of-living increases.
“We believe to have one of best financial positions of any Council in the country but remain realistic and not triumphalist, appreciative of the stark challenges many of our peers are facing and that we also share.
“Both past and current sensible financial decisions, including the fact the Council remains debt free, means we will continue to deliver excellent services to our community.
“We still have to take difficult decisions but we are maintaining high levels of service and not cutting back on them. The budget supports the most vulnerable such as the homeless and balancing other objectives such as supporting climate change and improving the environment.
“Some of our fees are having to increase to meet rising costs, as Council Tax income on its own does not meet inflationary pressures.
“Rushcliffe remains a great place to live and work with excellent leisure facilities, highlighted by the opening of Bingham Arena last year and the ongoing investment in Keyworth and Cotgrave leisure centres.
“We remain committed to delivering on the Council’s growth agenda and supporting businesses. This includes the Council’s ongoing commitment to the Freeport and helping to develop the Ratcliffe-on- Soar power station site.
“There are still many potential economic and financial challenges ahead but we know where we are, where we are going to and how we will get there with continued astute and well-informed decision making that continues to deliver high quality services.”
A Full Council meeting on March 7 will discuss the Cabinet’s proposed outcome on the budget from the February 13 meeting.