Supplementary Planning Documents
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) add further detail to the policies in the Local Plan.
SPDs have been subject to public consultation and are a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
- Low Carbon and Sustainable Design SPD
- Affordable Housing SPD
- Melton Road Edwalton Development Framework SPD
- Wind Energy SPD
- Solar Farm Guide
- Residential Design Guide SPD
- Development requirements
Low Carbon and Sustainable Design SPD
The Low Carbon And Sustainable Design SPD was adopted by the Borough Council on Tuesday 11 July 2023.
The SPD provides further guidance on the application of the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy Policy 2 (Climate Change). It serves to provide guidance for the preparation and determination of planning applications, including a checklist guide for developers to assist in the submission of planning applications.
- Low Carbon and Sustainable Design SPD Adoption Statement
- Low Carbon and Sustainable Design SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Scoping Report
- Low Carbon and Sustainable Design SPD Consultation Statement
- Low Carbon And Sustainable Design SPD (accessible html)
Affordable Housing SPD
The Affordable Housing SPD was adopted by the Borough Council on Tuesday 8 February 2022.
The SPD supplements relevant policies in the Rushcliffe Local Plan and the application of national affordable housing planning policies and guidance within Rushcliffe. It serves to provide guidance for the preparation and determination of planning applications where an affordable housing contribution is required.
- Affordable Housing SPD Adoption Statement
- Affordable Housing SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment & Appropriate Assessment Scoping Report
- Affordable Housing SPD Consultation Statement
- Affordable Housing SPD (accessible html)
Melton Road Edwalton Development Framework SPD
The Melton Road Development Framework SPD was adopted by the Borough Council on Tuesday 13 October 2015.
It provides further guidance on the application of the following:
- Policy 20 (Strategic Allocation at Melton Road, Edwalton) of the Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy.
Wind Energy SPD
The Wind Energy SPD was adopted by the Borough Council on 9 June 2015.
It provides further guidance on the application of the following policies of:
Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy
- Policy 2 (Climate Change);
- Policy 10 (Design and Local Identity);
- Policy 11 (Historic Environment);
- Policy 16 (Green Infrastructure, Landscape, Parks and Open Spaces);
- Policy 17 (Biodiversity)
Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies
- Policy 16 (Renewable Energy);
Associated documents:
A Landscape Sensitivity Study was jointly commissioned by Rushcliffe and Melton Councils, and was used as part of the evidence for the SPD.
Wind Energy SPD (accessible html)
Solar Farm Guide
The Solar Farm Guide was published in November 2022. It provides broad guidance on the planning policy context for major solar farm developments, the key material planning considerations likely to be relevant to the determination of planning applications for major solar farm developments within the Borough and examples of the information/documents that the Council expects should be submitted with planning applications for major solar farm developments.
Solar Farm Guide (accessible html)
Residential Design Guide SPD
The Rushcliffe Residential Design Guide SPD was adopted by the Borough Council on 10 February 2009.
It provides further guidance on the application of:
Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy
- Policy 10 (Design and Enhancing Local Identity) and;
- the strategic allocations (Policy 20 - Policy 25)
Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies
- Policy 1 (Development Requirements) and;
- the allocations (Policy 2.1-Policy 10)
Development requirements
Supplementary Planning Guidance was published for developer requirements in 2003. The guidance gives details of the contributions to development required to ensure that the full impact of a development on local amenities, infrastructure and services is know. This would not otherwise form part of a planning proposal.
The Guidance sets out the issues and sites on which contributions to development requirements are likely to be sought and the mechanisms for securing it.
An update to Appendix D relating to commuted sums for open space areas, is also available.