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Self Build and Custom Build Register

What is self-build and custom build?

  • Self-build housing means that you are directly involved in organising the design and construction of your new home.
  • Custom build usually means working with a specialist developer to help you deliver your home.

What area does the register cover?

Gedling Borough Council is hosting Self-Build and Custom Build Registers on behalf of:

The register allows you to choose which area(s) you are interested in building in.

You can view a map of each council area by clicking on the links above.

What is the purpose of the register and how will it be used?

The Government wants to enable more people to build or commission their own home. Councils are required to keep a register of interested individuals and associations. This will provide an indication of the local demand for self/custom build.

The information held by the register will help the Councils to develop policies to support the kinds of self and custom build projects that would be most appropriate. It can be used to bring people and plots together. 

We will not pass identifiable information from the Register onto anyone outside the participating Councils without written consent.

Registering your interest in self-build and custom build

If you would like to register your interest, please read the guidance notes and complete the registration form.

By signing up you will help us find out more about the number and location of sites which are sought. Registration does not however guarantee that a suitable serviced plot will be identified or become available.

More information on self-build and custom build

If a developer has a site or plot(s) available for people to build their own home, we can pass the information from a developer to those on the register.  As we are unable to share information of those on the register for data protection reasons, we can notify those on the register of a site’s availability in the area where they wish to build.

The Self Build Portal includes a range of advice on how to source self-build plots

The National Custom and Self Build Association toolkit includes a range of useful information

National guidance sets out further detail on self-build and custom housebuilding

If you require any further information, please contact the Planning Policy team via email at or on 0115 981 9911