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Rushcliffe Authority-Wide Design Code

Background to the Design Code

It has recently become a requirement for Local Planning Authorities to prepare design codes in which they set out design requirements for developments in their area. Work has started on the preparation of a Design Code for Rushcliffe which will replace the Rushcliffe Residential Design Guide SPD (2009). It is envisaged that the Design Code will eventually be adopted as a Supplementary Plan and will have the same weight as the Local Plan in planning decisions.


National Model Design Code

The National Model Design Code was published in 2021 and makes up part of the Planning Practice Guidance. It sets out the process which the Council will be following in the development of its Design Code.

  • Stage 1: Analysis
    • 1A Scoping; 1B Baseline Analysis
  • Stage 2: Vision
    • 2A Design Vision; 2B Coding Plan
  • Stage 3: Code
    • 3A Guidance for Area Types; 3B General Guidance


Stage 1A. Scoping

Work has now completed on the Scoping Stage of the Rushcliffe Design Code process. This initial period of community engagement ran from Monday 29 January until Thursday 7 March 2024.


Stage 1B. Baseline Analysis

An analysis of the Borough has been carried out and a series of topic-based maps and character appraisals has been published in the Draft Rushcliffe Baseline Appraisal. The analysis and the results of the scoping exercise (Stage 1A) was used to inform the Vision of the Design Code and how the Borough will be divided up into Area Types (or zones). 


Stage 2. Design Vision and Coding Plan 

The Council consulted on the Design Vision and Draft Coding Plan of the Rushcliffe Design Code from 20 May – 30 June 2024. This was the second stage in the preparation of the Rushcliffe Design Code and followed on from the scoping consultation which took place earlier this year. The Draft Coding Plan can be viewed at page 26 of the Draft Rushcliffe Baseline Appraisal (19.58 MB, application/pdf).

The results of the consultation are now being analysed and will feed into the final stage which is the preparation of the draft Design Code. 


Please come back to this page or sign up using the engagement platform for updates as the work on the Design Code progresses. There will be opportunities to give your views on the draft Design Code in Autumn 2024.

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View the accessible version of Draft Rushcliffe Baseline Design Code