Public Licensing Register
Licensing registers
Certain types of licence applications are required to be on a public register. You can view the Licensing Public Register (PA) on our website.
The EU services directive aims to break down barriers to cross border trade in services between countries in the EU.
It will make it easier for service providers, particularly small and medium sized enterprises, to offer their services to customers in other EU countries, whether establishing elsewhere in the EU or providing services remotely from the UK.
EU member states had to implement the directive by 28 December 2009. The Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) department leads on implementation in the UK and are working closely with other government departments, the devolved administrations, local authorities, regulators and others. Tasks include screening legislation for compliance with the directive and establishing an online single point of contact for service providers to find out about doing business in the UK.
Further details on the implementation process, including interim results of the large-scale exercise to screen national legislation in the UK for compliance, can be found on the services directive implementation.
The following public registers are available:
- Animal boarding establishments
- Approved premises (for food)
- Caravan and camping sites
- House to house collections
- Hypnotism performances
- Market stalls
- Massage and Special Treatments (includes Ultra Violet Tanning)
- Piercing and Electrolysis and Acupuncture
- Premises licences
- Riding establishments
- Sex establishments
- Street collections
- Street trading consent
- Tattooists
- Temporary Event Notice
- Zoo licence
The Houses in multiple occupation register is available on the Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) page.
Tacit authorisations
The directive requires that all licence applications, authorisations and administrative procedures must be processed as quickly as possible and in any event within a reasonable period.
Rushcliffe Borough Council is working hard with our software suppliers to implement online applications as soon as possible.
Information on the timescales in which licence application must be dealt with.
The EU services directive requires that all licence applications, authorisations and administrative procedures to be completed by businesses within the service sector must be processed as quickly as possible and in any event within a reasonable period, which is fixed and made public.
When the authority does not respond to an application within the time period set (or following an extension), the authorisation will be deemed to have been granted tacitly unless different arrangements are in place.
The table below sets out the types of licence applications that the tacit authorisation applies to and the minimum and maximum timescales in which the applications will be dealt with.
Licence type |
Minimum period | Maximum period |
Animal boarding | 25 days | 60 days |
Caravan site licence | 35 days | 60 days |
Cooling tower registration | 21 days | 35 days |
Food registration | 28 days | 56 days |
House to house collection permit | 24 days | 35 days |
Market stall rental | 35 days | 35 days |
Motor salvage operator | 35 days | 35 days |
Pet shop | 25 days | 60 days |
Scrap metal registration | 40 days | 60 days |
Street collection permit | 24 days | 35 days |
Street trading | 25 days | 50 days |
Certain applications are not covered by the tacit authorisations as there is an overriding reason of public interest. These include houses in multiple occupation, riding establishments, massage and special treatments, and sex establishments.
In relation to applications made under the Licensing Act 2003, the timescales are statutory (they are prescribed within the act).
The Council will endeavour to deal with all applications in a timely manner and in line with the above tables. Regulation 19(3) of the Provisions of Services Regulations states that: “When justified by the complexity of the issue the period of processing an application may be extended once by the authority for a limited time and the authority will notify the applicant of the extension."
Payment for online licensing
When payment is made for online licensing, the fee is for the licensing application only. The Council may not refund any licence fee if the licensing process has already been started. If you submit an online application and then decide to withdraw it please contact us as soon as possible so that we can ensure the application is not processed and the fee can be refunded.
All online licensing application fees are processed via the Royal Bank of Scotland’s WorldPay service.
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