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Bingham Leisure Centre Fire Alarm

Record of Decision Taken by Dave Banks on 13 August 2019

Authority for decision

Member of the Executive Management Team

Contracts up to £50,000
(a) Where it is estimated that a contract will exceed £10,000 but not £50,000 in value or amount at least three quotations must be obtained by the appropriate member of the executive management team or service manager. Where this is not possible the member of the executive management team or service manager shall record the reason in accordance with the requirements of any Code of Practice issued under financial regulations.


To accept a single quote for works greater than £10,000 but less than £50,000 rather than seek three quotes.

Reasons for decision

The fire alarm system at Bingham leisure centre has failed & requires urgent replacement. The contractor has provided maintenance on the system for years so understands the intricacies of this complex joint use site. The contractor also maintain the Toot Hill Academy fire system with which the leisure centre system needs to interlink. The contractor has spent several weeks identifying faults and designing a fit for purpose solution.

Alternative options considered and rejected

Seek three quotes:  

  • Time delay whilst alternative suppliers survey site and design a solution  gives rise to liability risk as the system is currently inoperable
  • New contractor may not understand site with increased risk that the solution may not be fit for purpose
  • Preferable that two systems that need to communicate are provided by the same provider to ensure good sound interface.

Conflicts of interest and any dispensation

None known.


Monitoring Information

Key decision?


Confidential/ Exempt (if yes, please state paragraph)?


Do General Exception or Special Urgency Rules apply to this decision?


Consultation has taken place with the Section 151 & Monitoring Officer?


The Leader, Deputy Leader or relevant Portfolio Member have been consulted?




Dave Banks