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Response A1346405

Response to request for information



Response date

18 February 2021


Information on FOIs for the following years 2016-17 to 2020-21.

  1. The number of total FOI requests the council has received.
  2. The number of total FOI requests the council has approved.
  3. The number of total FOI requests the council has declined.
  4. The number of total FOI requests the council has declined for the reasons of absolute exemptions.
  5. The number of total FOI requests the council has declined for the reasons of qualified exemptions.


Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate this request. We do not compile or hold the data in the manner in which it has been requested. We would exceed cost and time limits in responding to your query. On this basis section 12 of the FOIA is engaged.

We can provide you with a total number of FOI requests per month from 2019 to present, of those how many were responded to and how many within 20 days. We do not keep a record of which requests had a valid exemption whether that was qualified or absolute. This is simply not captured or recorded. The volume of requests we receive make it impractical and overly burdensome to go through one by one to determine the information you have requested.

If you are willing to reframe the request bearing in mind the limitations as to what data is captured and stored we may be able to respond within time and cost parameters?