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Response 962721

Response to request for information



Response date

3 November 2022


Information about suicide prevention and armed forces/veterans.


  1. Does the local authority have an agreed suicide prevention action plan or strategy? 

    Rushcliffe does not have its own strategy it follows the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Suicide prevention strategy as the upper tier local authorities for Nottinghamshire

    1. If so, does this strategy recognise veterans as an at-risk, priority or tailored group? Yes
    2. If so, does your strategy reference veterans in any other way? No
    3. If so, when is your strategy due to be reviewed? 2023
  2. Does the local authority have Armed Forces and Veterans Champion? Yes
    1. If so, what is the name and contact email address of your Armed Forces and Veterans Champion? 

      Cllr Abby Brennan,