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Response 1046415

Response to request for information



Response date

8 March 2023


QUESTION 1: How many people, currently (Feb 2023) awaiting asylum, are being housed in contingency accommodation in your district?

QUESTION 2: How many people awaiting asylum were housed in contingency accommodation in your district in March 2020?


Thank you for your freedom of information request received on February 23, please see our response below.

QUESTION 1: How many people, currently (Feb 2023) awaiting asylum, are being housed in contingency accommodation in your district? 60

QUESTION 2: How many people awaiting asylum were housed in contingency accommodation in your district in March 2020? information not available but believed to be zero. This data is held by SERCO on behalf of the Home office and it is recommended that the customer seeks the information from the proper authority