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Response 1003082

Response to request for information



Response date

12 January 2023


Please provide a copy of the Local Authority's policy on when a Guest House (or similar) becomes, in the LA's opinion an HMO and therefore subject to HA 2004.

This question is raised in particular with regard to the considerable number of Guest Houses which house 'homeless' persons on a temporary or short term basis whilst permanent accommodation is found for them.

The policy (or additional notes) should explain how the LA judges whether each such individual is a "guest on licence" or a "tenant on implied AST".

This information will be used to give advice to landlords and so its accuracy is vital.

Any additional information that would help this firm in explaining to landlords your LA's distinctions (and therefore their liabilities within your LA area) would be welcomed.


Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 10 January, we do not have a policy that covers this.