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Response A1346158

Response to request for information

Response date

8 December 2021


  1. Please can you provide the name of the software supplier and product name used within the Council for the following areas:
  • - Building Control
  • - Planning (Development Control)
  • - Environmental Health
  • - Local Land Charges
  • - Grounds Maintenance
  • - Licensing (including taxi, alcohol, animal, etc)
  • - Private Sector Housing (HMO)
  • - Fleet Management
  • - Trading Standards
  • - Waste Management
  1. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, can you please provide the current contract expiry date;
  2. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, can you please provide the current contract value and the annual support and maintenance costs;
  3. Please can you confirm whether any of the above areas are done as a shared service, if so, which ones?
  4. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, are you planning to go to market for a different software supplier?  If so, when?
  5. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, can you please provide the name, job title, contact number and email address of the person responsible for the management of that service.


  1. Please can you provide the name of the software supplier and product name used within the Council for the following areas:
  • - Building Control - not applicable.


  • - Planning (Development Control) - IDOX


  • - Environmental Health - IDOX


  • - Local Land Charges - IDOX


  • - Grounds Maintenance - not applicable.


  • - Licensing (including taxi, alcohol, animal, etc) - IDOX


  • - Private Sector Housing (HMO) - not applicable.


  • - Fleet Management - WAVE


  • - Trading Standards - not applicable.


  • - Waste Management - BARTEC

  1. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, can you please provide the current contract expiry date;

    - Building Control - not applicable.

    - Planning (Development Control) - IDOX March 2022

    - Environmental Health - IDOX March 2022

    - Local Land Charges - IDOX March 2022

    - Grounds Maintenance - not applicable.

    - Licensing (including taxi, alcohol, animal, etc)

    - Private Sector Housing (HMO) - not applicable.

    - Fleet Management - not applicable.

    - Trading Standards - not applicable.

    - Waste Management

  2. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, can you please provide the current contract value and the annual support and maintenance costs;

    - Building Control - not applicable.

    - Planning (Development Control) IDOX Approx. £43k per annual. Total value £130k

    - Environmental Health IDOX Approx. £43k per annual. Total value £130k

    - Local Land Charges IDOX Approx. £43k per annual. Total value £130k

    - Grounds Maintenance - not applicable.

    - Licensing (including taxi, alcohol, animal, etc) IDOX Approx. £43k per annual. Total value £130k

    - Private Sector Housing (HMO) - not applicable.

    - Fleet Management - free of charge

    - Trading Standards - not applicable.

    - Waste Management - BARTEC £15k

  3. Please can you confirm whether any of the above areas are done as a shared service, if so, which ones? - not applicable.
  4. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, are you planning to go to market for a different software supplier?  If so, when? The IDOX system will be renewed via CCS framework
  5. For each of the areas listed in Question 1, can you please provide the name, job title, contact number and email address of the person responsible for the management of that service.

    Fleet Management & Waste Management Darryl Burch 01159148405

    The rest is with Greg Dwyer 01159148411