Current consultations
Consultation on proposed projects funded by West Bridgford Community Infrastructure Levy
Rushcliffe Borough Council Collects Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions to enable local services, infrastructure and facilities to be supported in meeting the needs of a growing population, and to serve greater numbers of users.
As part of the use of these funds a percentage is set aside to be spent at a more localised level and this money is usually managed by the local Parish or Town Council. As West Bridgford has no Parish Council the Borough Council takes on this role, but must decide how this funding is used in consultation with the local community.
Expressions of interest have recently been invited from local community groups and organisations that would have projects locally that could benefit from this funding.
Views are now being sought on these six projects and the Borough Council would invite people to complete the online survey.
This current consultation will be open until 23:59 on Sunday November 3.
View the details of the eligible projects on which the Borough Council is seeking views of the community.
Needham and Newgate Street car parks variation
Notice of Variation Newgate-Needham car parks
Bingham Market Place parking places order changes
Current Off-Street Parking Places Order