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Response 958393

Response to request for information



Response date

11 October 2022


I have been informed by a local councillor that street cleaning services have moved from a proactive cleaning approach to reactive cleaning approach (now reacting to reports of litter and full bins etc instead of a regular routine of cleaning. Please confirm the annual cost saving by doing this).


There has been no change to delivery of the street cleansing services. Streetwise continue to use the plans and procedures that they have in place for cleansing management of the Borough. For example, we have weekly plans and schedules that list down all the work to be completed each day to cleanse all the town centres, empty all the bins, sweep the streets, litter pick, collect fly tips, remove graffiti, replace and repair bins, install signs, clean street furniture, support and clean up after events, cricket and football games etc. Each day we receive requests from our residents, and we respond to these over the course of the week fitting them into the schedules.