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Response 1846159

Response to request for information



Response date

8 September 2023


  1. Please confirm the cost saving achieved by reducing routine mechanical road sweeping across West Bridgford. 
  2. Please also confirm the cost impact of carrying out remedial reactive cleaning caused by the reduced routine mechanical road sweeping, for example clearing piles of detritus and weeds caught along roadsides.


  1. Please confirm the cost saving achieved by reducing routine mechanical road sweeping across West Bridgford. There has not been a reduction to the routine mechanical sweeping schedule across West Bridgford and therefore has no cost savings
  2. Please also confirm the cost impact of carrying out remedial reactive cleaning caused by the reduced routine mechanical road sweeping, for example clearing piles of detritus and weeds caught along roadsides. As indicated in the answer to question 1 above there has been no reduction in the mechanical sweeping schedule. Any additional work required to increase cleaning requirements is not recorded separately but is carried out as part of the day to day duties covered in total by our street cleaning budget. This is not broken down into the detail requested.