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Response A1345735

Response to request for information



Response date

11 October 2021


Request for the following information relating to recycling and general waste collection facilities and services:

  1. Do you currently operate commercial or residential waste collection services:
    1. (1) directly / inhouse, (2) via a waste contractor, (3) or through a joint-partnership with another authority?
      • If via a contractor, please can you provide their name. Similarly, if in partnership with another authority, please name
  2. Could you please provide a breakdown of the number of large (ie a bin with capacity greater than 500 litres) recycling and general waste bins that you own, or fall under the remit of your authority?
    • Can you provide details of how many of these bins are metal vs plastic?
    • Are these bins purchased outright by the authority, or leased?
  3. If possible, can you provide any details of spending history on large (ie a capacity greater than 500 litres) recycling and general waste bins? (as many years as reasonably possible)
    • Can you provide details of which supplies this spend was with?
  4. Do you carry out any maintenance on your existing fleet of ‘large’ bins? Is this done inhouse, or via a contractor? If via a contractor please name
    • Is it possible to provide details of spend on maintenance on ‘large’ bins?
  5. Do you have any ‘Big belly’ solar compactor bins within your authority? If so, how many?


  1. Do you currently operate commercial or residential waste collection services:
    1. (1) directly / in-house, (2) via a waste contractor, (3) or through a joint-partnership with another authority?
      • If via a contractor, please can you provide their name. Similarly, if in partnership with another authority, please name
      • Rushcliffe Borough Council is a Direct Service Organisation who provides in-house collections
  2. Could you please provide a breakdown of the number of large (ie a bin with capacity greater than 500 litres) recycling and general waste bins that you own, or fall under the remit of your authority? All metal
        • 660L Residual Wastes x15
        • 660L Comingled recycling x15
        • 1100L Containers for Residual Wastes x498
        • 1100L Co-mingled recycling x 337
        • 1100L Mixed Paper & Card x32
        • 1100L Mixed Cans & Plastic bottles x18
        • 1100L Glass recycling x 215

    Can you provide details of how many of these bins are metal vs plastic?

        • All metal

    Are these bins purchased outright by the authority or leased?

        • Purchased outright
  3. If possible, can you provide any details of spending history on large (ie a capacity greater than 500 litres) recycling and general waste bins? (as many years as reasonably possible)
      • 1100L/660L Container Refurbished
        • 2018/19 = £6,979
        • 2019/20 = £9,296
        • 2020/21 = £0
        • 2021/21 = £17,742
      • 1100L/660L New Containers
        • 2018/19 = £4,660
        • 2019/20 = £44,089
        • 2020/21 = £67,244
        • 2021/22 = £33,630
  4. Can you provide details of which supplies this spend was with? Taylor bins and STORM
  5. Do you carry out any maintenance on your existing fleet of ‘large’ bins? Is this done in-house, or via a contractor? If via a contractor please name - done in-house or via container manufacturers depending upon what is required.
    • Is it possible to provide details of spend on maintenance on ‘large’ bins? See question 3 above.
  6. Do you have any ‘Big belly’ solar compactor bins within your authority? If so, how many? No