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Response 1839276

Response to request for information



Response date

1 September 2023


  • Details of new requests for late licenses – how many have there been, and can these be broken down by hours
  • How many businesses have cited karaoke as part of their registration to the council
  • What provisions have been included in requests? Especially if the need for sound proofing or sound level management has been included

Please may I have data for the last 5 years, so I can see whether there has been an increase or decrease.


The Licensing service provides a public register of premises licences issued with regards to the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment etc under the Licensing Act. these are not registrations but licences. This is currently viewable on the Licensing Online service, this include timings and conditions imposed. The requester can search for premises licences here.

However the councils electronic records do not hold details specific to karaoke and as such this would require a manual search for each application made over the five year period. It is expected that this would exceed the time for the FOI request and a quote can be provided to undertake this work if required.

We do not understand what the requester is referring to in their request around "What provisions have been included in requests?" and would ask for further information on this detail if the applicant wishes to pursue. I would advise that applications are not searchable and if this relates to applications a fee may be payable due to the time to search applications in detail.