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Response 1008841

Response to request for information



Response date

3 February 2023


We are writing to you with a Freedom of Information Request relating to equine care and welfare. We are conducting a project for the RSPCA exploring equine welfare and management in England and Wales (incorporating Equine Overpopulation, Overbreeding, Neglect and Abandonment) and would be grateful for any information you have on this issue.

We specifically request information you have on the following aspects in your area each year for the last 10 years, and welcome associated information you have:

  1. Number of licensed equine establishments (both riding schools and those hiring out horses, ponies and donkeys)
  2. Number of livery yards
  3. Number of licenced equine slaughter men (knacker men) and abattoirs
  4. Number of equines slaughtered in the abattoirs and killed by knacker men in your area
  5. Number of complaints/ calls relating to equine welfare, and the outcome of those calls
  6. Number of calls received about fly grazing or equine abandonment with number of horses, ponies and donkeys involved.
  7. Number of horses, ponies and donkeys detained after being reported as fly grazing or abandoned
  8. Number of equine welfare related prosecutions

Number of equine passport fixed penalty notices


We are writing to you with a Freedom of Information Request relating to equine care and welfare. We are conducting a project for the RSPCA exploring equine welfare and management in England and Wales (incorporating Equine Overpopulation, Overbreeding, Neglect and Abandonment) and would be grateful for any information you have on this issue.

We specifically request information you have on the following aspects in your area each year for the last 10 years, and welcome associated information you have:

  1. Number of licensed equine establishments (both riding schools and those hiring out horses, ponies and donkeys) - 5 animal welfare licences.
  2. Number of livery yards - we do not maintain a list.
  3. Number of licenced equine slaughtermen (knackermen) and abattoirs - we do not licence.
  4. Number of equines slaughtered in the abattoirs and killed by knackermen in your area - not applicable.
  5. Number of complaints/ calls relating to equine welfare, and the outcome of those calls -  see table at the bottom of the list
  6. Number of calls received about fly grazing or equine abandonment with number of horses, ponies and donkeys involved - as above.
  7. Number of horses, ponies and donkeys detained after being reported as fly grazing or abandoned - nil.
  8. Number of equine welfare related prosecutions - nil.
  9. Number of equine passport fixed penalty notices - nil.
Equine welfare complaints
Reference Number Date



16/00237/ANIWEL 16.01.2016 Dead horse in field Visit RSPCA dealing
16/00774/ANIMAL 20.02.2016 Damaged fencing to field with horses Visit, no damage seen
16/00894/ANIMAL 07.03.2016 Dead horse Visit - has gone
16/02839/ANIMAL 18.07.2016 Baby horse (about 2 weeks old) has been killed and dumped in the layby No microchip, carcase removed
17/04724/ANIWEL 08.11.2017 Riding establishment - concerns about the horses Health & Safety inspection took place. Vet visited no concerns founded
18/00130/ANIMAL 10.01.2018 Abandoned horses (possible fly grazing Referred to Highways England. They dealt with the owner  of the horses.
19/00013/ANIWEL 02.01.2019 Dead horse in field Spoke to RSPCA Inspector Susan Hammond about case, she was aware of the horses and is currently dealing with it.
19/03615/ANIMAL 20.09.2019 Keeping a horse in the garden Horse has gone on visit
20/01089/ANIWEL 27.03.2020 Abandoned horses (possible fly grazing) Visit spoke with owners. No concern over welfare. No further action
21/00256/ANIMAL 18.01.2021 Attack by a horse on 18th January 2021 Referred to rights of way at County Council
21/03458/ANIMAL 23.07.2021H Horse riding lesson being carried out on public grass pathway Patrolled, no further action - not seen
22/05147/ANIWEL 07.11.2022 The Plough have held their annual firework display tonight less than 150 ft from our horses field. In regard to your recent email regarding the annual firework display at The Plough at Normanton, our officer has said that he doesn't believe that this is something that he can deal with and has suggested that you contact the RSPCA