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Response 1828161

Response to request for information



Response date

2 August 2023


For the different types of hosting services, can you provide me with the following information:

  1. Type of hosting – Dedicated, Co-Location, Cloud Hosting, Other?
  2. Who is the supplier of the contract? If possible can you also provide me with the name of the vendor, if applicable?
  3. What is the annual contract value for each contract?
  4. What type of cloud environment?

Private Cloud- a distinct and secure cloud based environment in which only the specified client can operate.

Public Cloud - where cloud services are provided in a virtualized environment, constructed using pooled shared physical resources, and accessible over a public network such as the internet.

Hybrid- integrated cloud service utilising both private and public clouds to perform distinct functions within the same organisation.

  1. What is the original start date of the contract agreement? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the start date for each contract.
  2. What is the actual expiry date of the contract agreement? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the expiry date for each contract.
  3. When will the organisation plan to review this contract? If there are more than one contract please provide me with the review date for each contract.
  4. What is the contract period in years? Please include whether the agreement has any extension periods?
  5. What services are provided under the contract? Please do not put hosting information such as web hosting, file storage, hosted application. The more information the better,
  6. Can you please provide me with the contract officer responsible for this contract? Complete contact details if possible name, title, contact email and number.



  1. please specify the contract type for all the contracts.
  2. please specify the type of cloud for the Saas contracts.



Further to your original response, Gedling Borough Council, Saville Audio Visual (VISAVVI) and Vipre Security contracts have expired. Please provide the latest contract updates.


Please see our response for Q1-9 and below for Q10

  1. Can you please provide me with the contract officer responsible for this contract? Complete contact details if possible name, title, contact email and number.

Greg Dwyer



Column C details which type of cloud the service is. For clarity, SAAS is Cloud and Hybrid is part Cloud part on-premises. We do not have any co-location or dedicated environments.



Thank you for your freedom of information request received on 9 October. All contracts have been renewed for another year with the same suppliers.