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Response 1802476

Response to request for information



Response date

30 June 2023


  1. Could you please outline an projects undertaken to increase inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally

For example, putting out pride flags or rainbow crossings, staging Pride march, or a drag queen story hour, school outreach work.

  1. Could you please outline an policies relating to inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, and any particular guidance for staff used (perhaps from an outside body) or devised by the authority itself - and can you provide examples of this

For example, a guide to correct use of language (particularly gender-inclusive language) or targets for representation.

  1. If possible, could you provide a cost breakdown from 2020 on spend to date on the following:
  • Pride flags
  • Rainbow crossing
  • Badges or pins related to LGBTQIA+ (pronoun badges for example)
  • Pride march expenses broken down in as much detail as possible
  • Drag queen events (story hours for example)
  • School events overseen by the council in some way
  1. For the above work to, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, charities with expertise in this area)
  2. Can you also detail any outside advice of consultation offered or procured for all issues detailed above, i.e, boosting LGBTQIA+ inclusion in libraries and museums

For example, advice given by Stonewall.


  1. Could you please outline an projects undertaken to increase inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally

For example, putting out pride flags or rainbow crossings, staging Pride march, or a drag queen story hour, school outreach work

The Council adopted our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion scheme in 2021, this is an overarching document which sets out the Borough Council’s aims which are:

  • We want Rushcliffe to be a welcoming place for everyone
  • We want our services to be easy to access for all
  • We will treat people fairly and aim to meet individual needs
  • We aim to make Rushcliffe a place where everyone can achieve their potential

You can find the details of the scheme here - Rushcliffe - Equalities Scheme 2021-25

The scheme is supported by an action plan which is refreshed each year and reported on to the Councils Corporate Overview Group. The most recent report from June 2023 can be found here:

Diversity Annual Report and update on the Equality and Diversity Strategy.pdf (

Some specific activity to highlight to you:

  • our public toilets at our recently refurbished visitor centre and café at Rushcliffe Country Park are gender neutral.
  • We lit our head office (Rushcliffe Arena) in rainbow colours from 1 to 10 June 2023 to celebrate Pride month, we did the same in 2022 as well.
  1. Could you please outline an policies relating to inclusion in regards to gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, and any particular guidance for staff used (perhaps from an outside body) or devised by the authority itself - and can you provide examples of this

For example, a guide to correct use of language (particularly gender-inclusive language) or targets for representation

The council has recently produced an inclusive language guide for use by its employees and councillors.

  1. If possible, could you provide a cost breakdown from 2020 on spend to date on the following:
  • Pride flags
  • Rainbow crossing
  • Badges or pins related to LGBTQIA+ (pronoun badges for example)
  • Pride march expenses broken down in as much detail as possible
  • Drag queen events (story hours for example)
  • School events overseen by the council in some way

No costs

  1. For the above work to, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, charities with expertise in this area)

The Council has not received any grants nor given any out to pursue this work.

  1. Can you also detail any outside advice of consultation offered or procured for all issues detailed above, i.e, boosting LGBTQIA+ inclusion in libraries and museums

For example, advice given by Stonewall

The Borough Council has recently tried to re-establish it’s community cohesion network to engage with different groups on policies and get input to ensure all our activities are inclusive. Representation was sought from Stonewall however unfortunately they have not engaged in this to date.