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Response 1137206

Response to request for information



Response date

14 June 2023


  1. How many permanent/Fixed term Contract (FTC) hires did you make in the calendar year 2022?
  2. How do you manage permanent recruitment? E.g. internal team, outsourced etc.
  3. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end?
  4. How much did you spend in a year on permanent recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?? Please include any advertising costs and fees paid to agencies.
  5. How many agency hires in a year did you make in 2022?
  6. How do you manage the recruitment of Agency staff? E.g. a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service? Where do you advertise permanent / FTC and temporary roles currently?
  7. If the answer to question 6 involves a 3rd party, when does this contract expire? When will you decide on the future method & procurement? Who is the 3rd party?
  8. On average how many temporary staff did you have engaged on a monthly basis(as an average) for 2022?
  9. How much did you spend in a year on Agency temporary recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?


  1. How many permanent/Fixed term Contract (FTC) hires did you make in the calendar year 2022? 55
  2. How do you manage permanent recruitment? E.g. internal team, outsourced etc.

    We have an internal HR team who manage our recruitment

  3. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end? Not applicable
  4. How much did you spend in a year on permanent recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?? Please include any advertising costs and fees paid to agencies. £55,209
  5. How many agency hires in a year did you make in 2022?

    For the financial year of 2022/23 we made 5 hires from an agency, and we had 123 agency/temporary workers during this period.

  6. How do you manage the recruitment of Agency staff? E.g. a neutral vend provider, recruitment agencies direct, managed service?We do not have a vend provider or managed service. If we require agency cover we will contact an agency directly. Where do you advertise permanent / FTC and temporary roles currently?

    We advertise our roles on the usual jobs boards including Indeed, Jobsite, Total jobs, Monster. We also advertise on our main RBC website Rushcliffe - Jobs and on our social media channels.

    There may be occasions in specialist areas where our jobs our advertised in particular magazine’s or publications.

  7. If the answer to question 6 involves a 3rd party, when does this contract expire? When will you decide on the future method & procurement? Who is the 3rd party? Not applicable
  8. On average how many temporary staff did you have engaged on a monthly basis(as an average) for 2022?

    For the financial year of 2022/23 we had 123 agency/temporary workers over a 12 month period.

  9. How much did you spend in a year on Agency temporary recruitment to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?

    For the financial year of 2022/23 our spend on agency temporary recruitment was £925,811

    This information is available on our RBC website please use the link below.

    Rushcliffe - Expenditure Over £500