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Response 1071566

Response to request for information



Response date

22 March 2023


Please find below a freedom on information request regarding the Local Authorities Funding Allocation for Domestic Abuse Duty received from central Government.

  1. What metrics are used to measure outcomes/impact/success of those who have successfully received funding from your local authority domestic violence fund?
  2. Which members of staff including positions are responsible for managing the domestic abuse fund? Please include a list of names of internal and external staff involved in the decision-making process.
  3. How many applications were submitted to your local authority for the domestic abuse duty fund?
  4. Please release any additional information held on the allocation of domestic abuse funding to local agencies, any information on the decision-making process and what regular contact, support, and outcomes are measured.
  5. Please detail how much money is given to each domestic violence organisation (or any other organisations or individuals who are in receipt of money allocated from the Domestic Abuse Duty fund).
  6. Please advise if any money is left over each year from this fund.


  1. What metrics are used to measure outcomes/impact/success of those who have successfully received funding from your local authority domestic violence fund?

    The Council has entered into a grant agreement with Nottinghamshire County Council to support victims of domestic abuse and their children with safe accommodation. The agreement provides for a Sanctuary Scheme and the provision of a flexible funding pot.

    Sanctuary Scheme - the Council is required to report on the following when requested to do so:

    1. a) no of referrals, b) demographics of referrals, c) no of security installations completed, d) average spend and e) time from referral to installation

    Flexible Funding pot - the Council is required to provide an open book accounting on this grant on the money spent. The grant can be used to fund a) transport costs, b) storage costs, c) removal costs and d) language services.

  2. Which members of staff including positions are responsible for managing the domestic abuse fund? Please include a list of names of internal and external staff involved in the decision-making process. Donna Dwyer, Strategic Housing Manager and Guy Whitton, Housing Solutions Team Leader.
  3. How many applications were submitted to your local authority for the domestic abuse duty fund? There is no application process. Referrals to the Councils Sanctuary scheme are considered on a case by case basis. The flexible domestic abuse fund is utilised by the Housing Options team at the Council when required for domestic abuse cases and there is no application process. 
  4. Please release any additional information held on the allocation of domestic abuse funding to local agencies, any information on the decision-making process and what regular contact, support, and outcomes are measured.

    The Council has agreed to match fund the County Council's grant contribution (10k Sanctuary & £10k Flexible Funding).

    A separate agreement has been entered into with an external provider for the installation of security measures as part of the Sanctuary Scheme initiative.

    In addition the Flexible Funding and Sanctuary Scheme initiative the Council partly funds a Domestic Abuse Coordinator (16k per annum), commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council.

  5. Please detail how much money is given to each domestic violence organisation (or any other organisations or individuals who are in receipt of money allocated from the Domestic Abuse Duty fund). Juno are also commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council for the provision of a Domestic Abuse Embedded Worker in the South of the County. 
  6. Please advise if any money is left over each year from this fund.

    * Safe Accommodation Coordinator (Juno) commissioned by Notts County Council. RBC contributed £16k of its Domestic Abuse Duty Allocation (£32,229)

    * Sanctuary Scheme - £10k – one off grant payment by Nottinghamshire County Council (match funded by LA). Unspent grant has to be repaid to NCC at the end of the financial year or authorisation obtained to carry forward – RBC spend 21-22 £848.40

    * Flexible Funding DA Support £10k – one off grant payment (match funded by LA), any unspent grant to be returned to NCC at the end of the year – RBC spend for 21-22 - nil

    Grant agreement signed for both funding allocations (£20k) for the period 21-22 and 22-23. Any unspent funds are likely to be carried forward to 23-24

    * The Council has received the following DA allocations:

    21 - 22 - £4,575 (Section 31 Grant) to assist in implementing the new Domestic Abuse duties.

    21 -22 - £32,229 DA allocation, 14k of which was unspent and carried forward to 22-23. The 16k funded the DA coordinator - see above.