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How Much Will I Pay?

How are properties banded?

Rushcliffe does not set the bands for council tax and does not value properties for council tax.  The bands are set by central government and property values are calculated by the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) which is part of Her Majesty’s Revenues and Customs (HMRC). They place all homes in one of eight valuation bands, based on its estimated value on 1 April 1991. The fact that homes may be worth more or less now does not mean your banding is wrong.  The banding date just establishes how much homes are worth in relation to similar properties in the area. The bandings are not affected by general trends in house prices. More details can be found on the Valuation Office Agency homepage.

If you think your home is in the wrong valuation band please contact:

The Listing Officer at the Valuation Office Agency,

Ground Floor,

Ferrers House,

Castle Meadow Road,



Telephone 03000 501 501

Council Tax bandings

(Based on estimated sale prices on 1 April 1991)

Band A - Property worth up to £40,000.
Band B - Property worth over £40,000 and up to £52,000.
Band C - Property worth over £52,000 and up to £68,000.
Band D - Property worth over £68,000 and up to £88,000.
Band E - Property worth over £88,000 and up to £120,000.
Band F - Property worth over £120,000 and up to £160,000.
Band G - Property worth over £160,000 and up to £320,000.
Band H - Property worth over £320,000.

Find your band

To find out what council tax banding your property is in search the Valuation Office Agency website.  Enter your postcode to find your banding. Visit the VOA council tax band finder.

Council Tax band charges

Council tax band charges (in £) for parishes/area in the Rushcliffe Borough 2024/25

Council tax band charges (in £) for parishes/area in the Rushcliffe Borough 2023/24


Do it online

If you wish to tell us about changes in your council tax address you can use this form. You can also register your account to view some of the council services online. To register for council tax complete the online form.

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