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Commercial Development Land

Part one of the Rushcliffe's Local Plan was adopted on 23 December 2014. This sets out our strategy for new housing and employment as well as the delivery of new infrastructure to support the anticipated development until 2028, this will include:

  • Around 13,150 new homes 
  • Approximately 46.95Ha of employment land.

There are plenty of opportunities for businesses in the borough to start up or grow. 

 This page gives you a brief overview of some of the key sites that have been identified as future employment sites. We are keen to work with businesses however and so if you have any queries about the list below or about other potential sites please contact Catherine Evans,  Economic Growth Manager on 0115 914 8552 or

 Employment land

  • Former Cotgrave Colliery - Around 3.8ha of employment development with outline planning permission
  • Melton Road, Edwalton - 4ha of employment land. Redevelopment or expansion of existing businesses at Wheatcroft Business Park for employment purposes.
  • North of Bingham - Provision of around 15.5ha of land for employment development. The existing units within the boundary of the site are to be retained.
  • Former RAF Newton - Retention of existing hangars for employment purposes and the provision of around 6.5ha of additional land for employment purposes.
  • South of Clifton - Provision of around 20ha of employment land to provide for a wide range of local employment opportunities where appropriate.
  • Tollerton Airfield has up to 20ha of employment land.