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Meeting the Apprenticeships Target

Report to Government on Progress of Employing Apprentices

Reporting Period: 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

Organisation: Rushcliffe Borough Council

Number of employees who work in England

Number of employees who were working in England on 31 March 2020 = 260

Number of employees who were working in England on 31 March 2021 = 253

Number of new employees who started working for you in England between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 = 13

Number of apprentices who work in England

Number of apprentices who were working in England on 31 March 2020 = 5

Number of apprentices who were working in England on 31 March 2021 = 4

Number of new apprentices in England between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 (includes both new hires and existing employees who started an apprenticeship) = 2

Full Time Equivalent

Full-time equivalents (optional) - not submitted

Reporting percentages

We have computed the percentages that will be reported from the figures you have given.

Percentage of apprenticeship starts (both new hires and existing employees who started an apprenticeship) as a proportion of employment starts between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 = 15.38%

Percentage of total headcount that were apprentices on 31 March 2021 = 1.58%

Percentage of apprenticeship starts (both new hires and existing employees who started an apprenticeship) between 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 as a proportion of total headcount on 31 March 2020 = 0.77%

Factors that impacted your ability to meet the target

What actions have you taken this year to meet the target? How do these compare to the actions taken in the previous year?

We have promoted the use of apprenticeships to managers and employees across the organisation, including during restructuring processes, i.e. amending existing roles within the Establishment to create future apprenticeship opportunities and strengthen succession resilience (these opportunities continuing to materialise 2021-22). We have identified opportunities for apprenticeships as part of staff development or for new apprenticeship roles as appropriate. We have supported apprentices to gain employment/career progression within the organisation beyond their apprenticeship.

What challenges have you faced this year in your efforts to meet the target? How do these compare to the challenges experienced in the previous year?

COVID did have an impact on our ability to support new apprentices who were new to the organisation due to concerns with how we would support and encourage development whilst significant working from home was taking place. We also actively supported other initiatives, including Supported Interns and as a small organisation, we need to ensure we have the capacity to fully support all of our learners.

How are you planning to meet the target in future? What will you continue to do or do differently?

We are producing a new workforce development plan that will identify where apprenticeships can be used to support career development of existing employees and address skills shortages. We are working with our regional employers' organisation to encourage providers to offer apprenticeships in relevant skills within our locality to help address skills shortage areas. Increasing the awareness of apprenticeships and their value to prospective apprentices, existing employees and managers will continue.

Do you have anything else you want to tell us? (optional)

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