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Response 2564682

Response to request for information



Response date

12 January 2024


Between the 1 January 2020 and the 1 January 2023, please provide the below requested information for contraventions reported against trees and hedges protected through Tree Preservation Orders, Conservation areas, and Hedgerow Regulations. Please work from the 1st of January 2020 to most recent, should the free FOI time limit be met, please state at what year/month this was met and return. Please input answers next to the below requests.

Please provide numerical data for:

  1. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions reported.
  2. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions pursued to magistrates and/or crown court.
  3. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed with no action deemed necessary.
  4. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions where a decision to take action or not was reached within 6 months of the case being registered.
  5. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed through serving of tree replacement notices, or voluntary tree planting.


  1. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions reported. The Council does not keep records of this and cases are dealt with on an ad hoc basis.
  2. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions pursued to magistrates and/or crown court. 0
  3. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed with no action deemed necessary. No records available.
  4. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions where a decision to take action or not was reached within 6 months of the case being registered. No records available.
  5. The number of tree/hedgerow contraventions closed through serving of tree replacement notices, or voluntary tree planting. This is the Council’s preferred course of action and whether or not further   enforcement is considered the Council always seeks replacement planting.