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Response 2724679

Response to request for information



Response date

26 March 2024


  1. How many times has your organisation experienced an attempted cyber-attack in the last two financial years? 
  2. Have you ever reported any cyber-related incidents to the NCSC and if so, how many in the last two financial years?
  3. Thinking about cyber-attacks where the criminal was able to obtain data or disable systems, how much have these cost the organisation?
  4. How much of the organisation’s total annual budget is spent on cyber support, protection and computer systems?
  5. How many people are employed by the organisation to oversee cyber support and programmes? 


How many times has your organisation experienced an attempted cyber-attack in the last two financial years?
I am unable to release the information requested as the information is exempt from disclosure by virtue of section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Section 31(1)(a) states that the information is exempt if its’ disclosure would be likely to prejudice the prevention or detection of crime.